D.A.R.E. T.O. Program

Say Goodbye to 

  • Spending endless hours complaining about your job
  • Feeling like you cannot speak up at work
  • Second guessing yourself
  • Not knowing how to share your ideas
  • Not knowing if you are coming across as professional
  • Wishing you were promoted, but being passed up


Undergo a transformation as you learn to: 

  • Influence Others while being Authentic
  • Gain confidence and clarity on navigating  the workplace
  • Be a Top Contender for the next promotion


The D.A.R.E. T.O. Programs includes:

  • 6 personal one-on-one 90-minute Session program tailored to meet YOUR needs
  • Discovering what success looks like to you
  • A step-by-step Action Plan to meet your goals
  • Guidance along the way as you grow professionally and courageously!

DARE TO envision yourself presenting confidently to your teams, influencing others, knowing exactly what your role is at work… Just imagine yourself feeling empowered to dream big, to create amazing goals for your life, and take that further and imagine yourself reaching those goals.

$1,497.00 USD