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There is nothing coincidential about getting promoted.

One must invest in herself and be intentional about professional growth.

- Rosa Elena Benavides, Founder of Speak Up Mujer

Hola, I'mĀ Rosa!Ā 

founder of Speak Up Mujer and creator of the D.A.R.E. T.O. Program

This is my Story

I am a first-gen Latina and daughter of hardworking immigrants who taught me the value of hard work and respect.Ā 

I grew up with limited resources. Just enough for the basics, but not much for anything else.Ā 

Growing up, I was navigating a new world to me, to my parents, and those around me. We are all trying to figure things out.Ā 

The guidance I did receive was to study hard and work hard so that I could get a good job.

I did just that. I graduated from UCLA and then, I got a job.

Slowly, I began to realize I was missingĀ something. I wasn't sure what. All I knew was that I was struggling to advance in my career.Ā 

I felt deep shame for what I believed were things I should have known how to do. I felt lost in a new world of professionalism, and I wanted to be promoted but didn't know how to go about it.Ā 

As I started my career,Ā I felt that I was not smart enough, that I didn't belong, and that others were better than me. I didn't have the confidence to speak upĀ because I didn't think others cared what I had to say.Ā 

16 years ago, I became very intentional about advancing my career. IĀ realizedĀ I needed to invest in myself and learn the success formula to advance in my career, earn respect, and for others to listen to my ideas andĀ meĀ as a person.

Since then, my career has bloomed. I have promoted 6X and multiplied my salary 7X.Ā 

I am passionate about helping women grow professionally, advance in their career so that they can earn the title, respect, money they deserve.Ā 

I am looking forward to joining you on your professional growth journey and sharing with you how I have grown through my career.Ā 

Here for your journey,Ā 


Ā šŸ’•

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Learn how I can help you get unstuck and advance in your career.Ā 


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